/* compile --- general purpose compiler interface */ enum { C, Ratfor, Pascal, Fortran, Pma, Nolang } Lang = Nolang; struct file { char *name; char suffix; struct file *next_file; }; struct file *filelist = NULL; struct file *fileq = NULL; struct file *tail = NULL; struct lib { char *name; struct lib *next_lib; }; struct lib *liblist = NULL; struct lib *libq = NULL; struct lib *libtail = NULL; char *cc_opts = ""; /* pointers to options */ char *pc_opts = ""; /* will be set to point into argv */ char *rp_opts = ""; char *fc_opts = ""; char *pma_opts = ""; /* null strings so low level routines don't bomb */ char *pass_on[MAXARGV]; /* pass unknown options on to loader */ int p_index = 0; /* index into pass_on */ int c_flag = FALSE; /* compile only */ int o_flag = FALSE; /* select output file */ char *output = NULL; /* final output file name */ main (argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int i, j; if (argc == 1) usage (); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] != '-') /* it's a file.... */ buildfile (argv[i]); else process_arg (argv, &i); shell_commands (); /* produce shell commands on stdout */ } /* process_arg --- handle an argument off the command line */ process_arg (argv, ip) char **argv; int *ip; { switch (argv[*ip][1]) { case 'c': c_flag = TRUE; break; case 'm': /* set main language and default suffix */ if (argv[*ip][2] != '\0') set_lang (argv[*ip][2]); else { set_lang (argv[(*ip) + 1][0]); (*ip)++; } break; case 'o': /* choose name of final output file */ o_flag = TRUE; if (argv[*ip][2] != '\0') output = & argv[*ip][2]; else { output = argv[(*ip) + 1]; (*ip)++; } break; case 'C': if (argv[*ip][2] != '\0') cc_opts = & argv[*ip][2]; else { cc_opts = argv[(*ip) + 1]; (*ip)++; } break; case 'R': if (argv[*ip][2] != '\0') rp_opts = & argv[*ip][2]; else { rp_opts = argv[(*ip) + 1]; (*ip)++; } break; case 'P': if (argv[*ip][2] != '\0') pc_opts = & argv[*ip][2]; else { pc_opts = argv[*ip + 1]; (*ip)++; } break; case 'F': if (argv[*ip][2] != '\0') fc_opts = & argv[*ip][2]; else { fc_opts = argv[(*ip) + 1]; (*ip)++; } break; case 'S': if (argv[*ip][2] != '\0') pma_opts = & argv[*ip][2]; else { pma_opts = argv[(*ip) + 1]; (*ip)++; } break; case 'l': /* special case -l, even tho passed to loader */ if (argv[*ip][2] != '\0') buildlib (& argv[*ip][2]); else { buildlib (argv[(*ip) + 1]); (*ip)++; } break; default: pass_on[p_index++] = argv[*ip]; break; } } /* buildfile --- put a plain file into the file list */ buildfile (filename) char *filename; { struct file *newfile; int strlen(); char *malloc(); int i; i = strlen (filename); if (filename[i-2] != '.') /* there is not a suffix */ { pass_on[p_index++] = filename; return; } newfile = (struct file *) malloc (sizeof (struct file)); newfile->next_file = NULL; newfile->name = filename; /* pointer to argv */ newfile->suffix = filename[i-1]; newfile->name[i-2] = '\0'; if (filelist == NULL) /* first file */ filelist = newfile; else tail->next_file = newfile; tail = newfile; } /* buildlib --- add a library to the list */ buildlib (libname) char *libname; { struct lib *newlib; int strlen(); char *malloc(); newlib = (struct lib *) malloc (sizeof (struct lib)); newlib->next_lib = NULL; newlib->name = libname; /* pointer to argv */ if (liblist == NULL) /* first lib */ liblist = newlib; else libtail->next_lib = newlib; libtail = newlib; } /* shell_commands --- print out shell commands */ shell_commands() { int i; if (filelist == NULL) usage(); printf ("declare _search_rule = '^int,^var,=ebin=/&'\n"); for (fileq = filelist; fileq != NULL; fileq = fileq->next_file) switch (fileq->suffix) { case 'r': printf ("rp %s.r %s\n", fileq->name, rp_opts); /* fall through */ case 'f': printf ("fc %s.f %s | x\n", fileq->name, fc_opts); break; case 'p': printf ("pc %s.p %s | x\n", fileq->name, pc_opts); break; case 's': printf ("pmac %s.s %s | x\n", fileq->name, pma_opts); break; case 'c': printf ("cc %s %s.c | sh\n", cc_opts, fileq->name); break; case 'b': break; default: error ("in shell_commands: can't happen"); break; } if (c_flag) /* compile only */ return; printf ("ld -u "); /* generate loader commands */ if (Lang == C) printf ("-b "); else if (Lang == Pascal) printf ("-a "); for (fileq = filelist; fileq != NULL; fileq = fileq->next_file) printf ("%s.b ", fileq->name); for (libq = liblist; libq != NULL; libq = libq->next_lib) printf ("-l %s ", libq->name); for (i = 0; i < p_index; i++) printf ("%s ", pass_on[i]); if (! o_flag) output = filelist->name; /* first file name */ printf ("-o %s ", output); printf ("| x\n"); } /* set_lang --- decide on main language */ set_lang (suffix) char suffix; { switch (mapdn (suffix)) { case 'r': Lang = Ratfor; break; case 'c': Lang = C; break; case 'p': Lang = Pascal; break; case 's': Lang = Pma; break; case 'f': Lang = Fortran; break; default: usage (); break; } } /* usage --- print usage message and die */ usage() { static char *msg[] = { "Usage: compile {<input_files>} [-c] [-m <language>]\n", " [-C<'cc' options>] [-R<'rp' options>]\n", " [-F<'fc' options>] [-S<'pmac' options>]\n", " [-P<'pc' options>] [{-l <library>}]\n", " [-o <output_file>]\n", NULL }; int i; for (i = 0; msg[i] != NULL; i++) fputs (msg[i], stderr); exit (1); }