Index of /unix/Distributions/UCB/2.11BSD_patch277/
Name | Last Modified | Size | Type |
../ | | - | Directory |
new/ | 1996-Jul-01 01:06:36 | - | Directory |
PATCHLEVEL | 1995-Nov-13 17:05:14 | 0.1K | application/octet-stream |
README | 1995-Nov-13 17:06:29 | 1.5K | application/octet-stream |
boot | 1995-Nov-13 17:09:10 | 31.7K | application/octet-stream |
disklabel | 1995-Nov-13 17:10:37 | 35.3K | application/octet-stream |
icheck | 1995-Nov-13 17:12:25 | 30.6K | application/octet-stream |
maketape.c | 1995-Nov-13 17:21:36 | 2.1K | text/plain | | 1995-Nov-13 17:22:10 | 0.1K | application/octet-stream |
mkfs | 1995-Nov-13 17:23:07 | 30.9K | application/octet-stream |
mtboot | 1995-Nov-13 17:23:46 | 0.5K | application/octet-stream |
restor | 1995-Nov-13 17:24:56 | 33.2K | application/octet-stream |
root.dump | 1995-Nov-13 17:41:31 | 4.2M | application/octet-stream |
setup.ascii | 1995-Nov-13 17:43:56 | 188.4K | application/octet-stream | | 1995-Nov-13 17:46:52 | 588.4K | application/postscript |
tape1.1.lst | 1996-Jan-11 06:18:27 | 312.0K | application/octet-stream |
tape1.2.lst | 1996-Jan-11 06:19:33 | 72.7K | application/octet-stream |
tape1.tar1 | 1995-Nov-13 19:22:48 | 30.0M | application/octet-stream |
tape1.tar2 | 1995-Nov-13 19:40:09 | 4.8M | application/octet-stream |
tape2.lst | 1996-Jan-11 06:21:24 | 468.8K | application/octet-stream |
tape2.tar | 1995-Nov-13 22:04:37 | 39.1M | application/x-tar |
The format of a 2.11BSD boot tape is:
File Block Content
# Size
---- ----- -------
0 512 bootblock,bootblock,boot
1 1024 disklabel
2 1024 mkfs
3 1024 restor
4 1024 icheck
5 10240 root.dump
6 10240 tape1.tar1
7 10240 tape1.tar2
8 10240 tape2.tar1
The complete kit will fit on a TK50 (barely) or a 6250BPI 9-track.
Obviously a DAT (4mm) or 8mm tape will have no problem.
For TK25 or 1600BPI 9-track files 0 thru 7 go on volume 1 and
file 8 goes on a second volume by itself (it barely fits, be sure
you don't have a tape that's short of being a 2400' reel).
You can either use the 'maketape' program to write files 0 thru 4
on the tape or use a series of 'dd' commands.
To use 'maketape':
cc -o maketape maketape.c
./maketape /dev/nrmt0
dd if=root.dump of=/dev/nrmt0 bs=10240c
dd if=tape1.tar1 of=/dev/nrmt0 bs=10240c
dd if=tape1.tar2 of=/dev/nrmt0 bs=10240c
dd if=tape2.tar of=/dev/rmt0 bs=10240c
Using only 'dd':
cat mtboot mtboot boot | dd of=/dev/nrmt0 obs=512 conv=osync
foreach i (disklabel mkfs restor icheck)
dd if=${i} of=/dev/nrmt0 obs=1024 conv=osync
dd if=root.dump of=/dev/nrmt0 bs=10240c
dd if=tape1.tar1 of=/dev/nrmt0 bs=10240c
dd if=tape1.tar2 of=/dev/nrmt0 bs=10240c
dd if=tape2.tar of=/dev/rmt0 bs=10240c
The setup and installation documents are in the files 'setup.ascii'
and ''. The first file is plain ASCII text while the second
is postscript suitable for sending to a laser printer or ghostview.